Rodrigo, Kayakpucon man of the year, has been talking about this one ever since the day im and Chris Korbulic went on a little mission 3 years ago... Yo dog we need to go that Blanco shit soon...go walk up to see those rapids dog. That's my best Tucshner dialect for the moment... One random sunny December day, we finally got the call and made the move out of Babylon on the road to Zion. 114km later after one of the most secenic drives in the area, passing so many creeks we were like, I bet that shit is good!!!!! We arrived at the Rio Blanco hot springs.
A good little scouting walk upstream led us to an exciting night of campfire shit talk. What we found that day was one hell of a beautiful gorge containing 6 beautiful drops. So with a nice night of sleep giving us the mojo to get going we all started the trudge up hill towards the putin we discovered the day prior.
As for the river it was a short and very runnable section...we did not expect such a gem and to our surprise we ran some good shit. The Chilean computer I´m using to write this update is not so hot... so the photos are out of order, but it gives you a sense of how we all feel here right now...??? Enjoy the shots from this great trip by Rodrigo Tuschner and Candace Sanders....

Croykie mate that's one hell of big spider!

Lay some treat on um'.

This bird must have hit a tree while flying, because it died so perfectly. I hope that doesn't sound weird.

All the boys showing just how ripped you must be to complete an expedition so strenuous.

This was the second half of a massive double falls above where we put in...needless to say stout!

The perfectly heated hot springs at the take out. Does it get better?

Todd running one of the better cataracts of the canyon we found...this one we called... Salto Enfermo, (Sick Falls).

Myself running a really cool double stage falls.

Jared at the top of the same dub drop.

A cool far out move away from a sticky log lam.

The first small boof after we finished the hike up the creek.

Sleeping fitfully after a great night of camping under the stars and cooking the Longies con el estilo de Rio Blanco.

The Blanco valley on the far end of Huerquehue national park... it was a fine setting for a first descent I must say.

Jared found a small friend...unfortuatly he was hungry so our friend was not so lucky.
Later E.G.