After Novios we reilized that the river was super juicy so we took our time and scouted all the drops to make sure that the holes would not eat us alive. Ian took and short and easy swim out of a 5 foot ledge hole so that made the river seem even more full on at the time. (Ian doesnt that much so there was a reason)
We walked three of the big drops including a few 15 footer with monster hooles that were giveable but scary. Then we also walked a great looking 20-25 footer that I wanted so bad but was too hesitant on running, so I decided that it wasent a good idea to fire it off. We did run some more cool falls with plugs under big holes, but most of them looked a bit scary and I knew I´d be back later this summer.
Once we got to the last drop Salo de Indio which is a ver notorious falls for sending people to china and back at normal flow, Me and Chris were fired up to run something big and powerful. We scouted it for a bit and had Ian go down stream to shoot photos and video.

Chris landed with tons of left angle so he didnt go too deep and popped up stoked to huck that powerful 45 footer. I went next and had a sick line one of the best feelings ever plugging that thing, going down for 5 seconds and coming out upright.
The perfect line... but I went so deep so fast because of the shear mass of water that I had rupture my ear drum. My head was kind of spinning and I was all off balance. I paddled to the side and hopped out to chill while I got my s&$% back together. I was a little butt hurt about that injury and still am because I had such a beautiful line down such a big drop, just too much water and too much power in the sluce you have to melt I guess.
So now after being the shuttle bunny while my home dogs got to run the Rio Florine, which looked incredible, I´m back in Pucon chillin with a bum ear. It hurt like a somofabitch. The doctor told me that it wasent ruptured and gave me ear drops but after using them my ear started to leek mad puss and bit of blood so I´m just gonna kept it mellow for a bit and see what happens.
If anyone has any beta on past expirences with ear drums I would love to hear about the time frame of healing (ev_gar@hotmail.com) that my address and I would be stoked if anyone had info about it, the Doc´s here don´t seem to know whats up. Keep the head above the water!
Later E.G.