After having some weird water levels here in the Pucon area, we finally just sacked up and went to the Desahue. Thinking the level was going to be very high, we found a smooth and soft level for this normally rough stretch of creek.
The big drop that we were running last year with lower flow has been looking quite powerful and tricky. So, with one portage this roadside run has saved us from many hours of boredom in the city limits. The first day we took no cameras, but yesterday we routed it a bit slower and stopped for some photo opp's... Enjoy our shots of this amazing river only 20 minutes from downtown Pucon.

The white snowy mountain that makes this place so recognizable.

Rodrigo finishes off a nice set of drops.

At the top of the the drop ready to stomp.

Another nice staging drop high in the run.

This thing rages through peoples backyards... we had workers following us down watching us boofs the waterfalls with confused looks on their faces.

Ass banger....

Rodrigo stoked to be home and on one of his favorite river once again.

Salto Pablito... this is a nice 10 footer that 7 year old Pablo Casey ran with us last year.

In the shit.

Rodrigo style on the big double drop... two big holes=two nice boofs.

Nate going into the seem...

Nate B.D. in the hyrum.

Nate on a chunky horizon line.

Nate boofing hard somewhere in the mists.

Fired up on the Desahue.

Boofing a stout ledge hole.

Blasting out of the hydraulic.

Coming through the double hole rapid.

Rodrigo enjoys some sun shine.

The first boof of the run.

Great Success we hitched a ride back to the put in for shuttle.
Good times, good lines, we are waiting for some more rains to hit this weekend and have some plans ready for action. The Chile season is just beginning...
Later E.G.