Well as my visit on the East Coast is now coming close to its end, I want to toss up a few shots from the time I spent here. With out much water to go around...not even the Green. I have been getting into some new stuff. Skating, working???? I know, but sometimes duty calls. However, I have been putting in tons of hours on finishing my film from Chile Dashboard Empanada, as well. Here are some of the places and faces that have made my last few weeks memorable.

These are some good boys...we all gathered together and helped Shane clean out the old design shop for Liquid Logic. Left to Right... Adam Bixby, Jonathan, Myself, Candace, Randall, Pete, and Josh.

Woody Callaway celebrating his birthday Demshitz style with some bagged wine.

Casa de Callaway take out of the East Coast's most famous creek run.

Shane saying goodbye to the birthplace of so many good designs and times with a few hard swings of a sledgehammer.

Killing it in our basement room on town mountain here close to the center of the city. This movie is gonna be the shit.

Skating up Chattanooga on a sunny Sunday afternoon.
Thanks to everybody for treating me so well out here...and for one last hurrah the world premiere of Dashboard Empanada is going to be next Thursday the 29th at the Asheville Pizza Brewing at 9pm. Come on y'all lets party a bit before I head back out west. Thanks for everything Asheville, until next time. Photos by Candace Sanders.
Later E.G.
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