On the second to last day Rafa came back down to Tlapacoyan with one goal in mind, Second Tomata. This falls was the huge one in Burning Time that Grace, Hale, and Carrol ran with some slight bumps on the way down.
After scouting and deciding weather or not we wanted to run the gorge below at high water, I rappelled 140 feet down to the pool below the falls. This was my second rappel ever and the day before was an epic in the Trout farm section. I was pretty excited and it was fun as. Once I got to the pool I had to chill half way in the water and wait to get my boat roped down to me. It was kind of complicated but a good experience with rope work.
After that was taken care of everyone got set Rafa rappelled into the top of the falls and got ready to give it a go. He ran the entire entrance and greased it with style. Then right at the crucial point in the slide he hit the big lateral boil coming off the right wall. It kicked his bow left where it clipped a rock. He ended up spinning and boofing out. It was one of the craziest lines I have ever witnessed. All I said while filming was, "Ok???". He came out of the drop fired up big time and smiling, yelling, and happy as a tree frog that just landed a big fly for din.din.
We didn't do the gorge below due to the high water and lack of time so the whole group that was above on the rim had to heeve us up to the top. It was impressive and one of the funnest things I have ever done. Bouncing up and down 100 feet up on one rope is pretty scary but with the right equipment is very safe and enjoyable. This rapid is one of the craziest and burliest drop ever run in my opinion. The next day we did a great last run on the Roadside section and just routed it H.core, fun at the maximum didily. Adios Mexico Wam Bam grasias senora.
Later E.G.
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