Well while these photos are a little bit old at this point, but i think they may still be as cool as a boner in sweatpants. But it all started back in late march as Tyler and myself (IG) left MT headed out for some paddling. On the way we stopped by Palouse Falls for a scout of the bohemith. And well with about 4500 cfs we were thinking that shit this thing really is runnable and began to think about it. A little bit.

Arriving to Hood River and shacking up in the Beaver Lodge we decided well lets get the shit show started. Grabbing Boomer we made our way down to Eagle Creek and gav'r hell on Metlako. Sweet lines one and two.
We were a little scared!
"Hey, look below theres Tyler"

Deciding one thing was enough we called it a day and made it down to Rock Cr. For some lines off Money Drop.

Craziest thing was before any of us even got a chance to run the drop Boomers, 120 lb rot willer decided to give it a go and was swept off the fall and stuck the 45 fter with out a second glance.
Next day was Bridal Veil, Tyler decided to give'r some hell on the upper drop and stuck the line that has only been attempted once before. Then the both of us plopped down the lower slide and jumped out to see the boys waiting and finally excited to get to paddle more than just two freefalling drops.

Tyler laying treats

Boomer back in his realm on our one river run of the week, LW

Next day we hopped in the car and made our way south, crashed in Eugene with Capo and headed up the McKenzie, to find tons of snow but perfect levels on Sahalie. I went first and Tyler second, both of us plugging the hell out of it and proving it is deep.

With a full circle we made our way around to Celestial Falls and saw the potential. Rush drove 14 hours to make it and on his first attempt sticks the Hail Mary, OFY
I decided for a freewheel, and just afterwards the rangers showed up and kicked us out with lifetime bans from the park.

Another trip up Eagle Cr. Led to another three new comers off Metlako, and one soaring dan west who decided to jump off the falls, putting it into perspective.

Lane Jacobs routin the stout with hand paddles

EG and IG truely BALLIN!

It was one wild week out on the west coast and was really the warm up for what was to come three weeks later as Tyler decided to rout the ultimate stout going for Palouse and it 186 FEET!!!!!
EG and IG ballin indeed
Wow. Stout week indeed. It's pretty impressive that you all were able to run all of those drops in that short of a time period. Solid kayaking, that be.
One question: Why don't people throw their paddles off of Metlako? Something bad in the pool?
Great post fellas. One for the books. I'll be in Oregon in June. Cheers,
DAMN boys, very very sick. Killing it out there!
damn boys. you guys have got to have set a world record for most vertical dropped in one week......keep it up, cant wait to see the Palouse footy!!
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