After a first exciting day on the lower gorge, and a few good LWS and Green Truss high water runs, Myself, Erik Boomer, and the Brothers Wells returned to the small stream with the intentions of running the last remaining un-run drop of the two canyons. The day was set and with a long pretty drive out to the take out we met up with the young duo and readied ourselves for some kayaking.
The run starts off with some very tight log ducks that get the neck and back warmed up. Getting further downstream the creek starts to gain momentum and drop away.

Todd Getting some on a small boofer up high on the run.

Brendon Wells running a random slide tossed in the log infested boogie.
With five to six fun good drops under our belts we arrived at an open section where we could tell the gradient was about to vastly increase. We found this epic three tier slide to spark it off...

At the top of the Cali slide.

Landing off the last drop of the nice three piece slide.

This is what happens some times, He did do a nice 180 off the last drop though. Directly below this slide came a massive scary horizon line which solidified a long scout.

Todd Well and Myself scouting a big scary drop that kicked off a big canyon.
The basic run down of the gorge was;
-a shallow sliding 60 foot? cascading falls, with a very questionable landing depth issue.
-a small ledge
-20 foot bouncy slide
-20 smooth slide
All in a row after that big of a drop? I was not sold... Boomer seemed to be, so he got in his kayak and did a "gnarly brown" first descent.

Erik Boomer stepping up to the plate and taking a swing at the Un-run stout.
It went well for him. The big flake, we could obviously see booted him into a monster boof, he landed flat stomping his bow down. With a blown skirt he filled up while running the next sliding section and got out pumped on his descent. I was still not totally sold on the drop, but Todd Wells was...

Una Locura grande.... Todd Wells. This kid can do some kayaking.
He got in his kayak and ran this beast. Taking a more plug like tactic to his run he tested the depth of the pool for us all. Coming up straight in front of the drop, he washed into the boulders and swam with a blown skirt. Seeing all this go down I knew I could run it successfully and in control. I came in moving left started the fall, hit the flake, and close to the pool threw my bow down for a soft impact into the pool. I got out in the pool to empty the small amount of water that entered my Jefe, due to my skirt also imploding. 3 for 3 decks popped??? I've never seen that before. The Jefe I was using didn't have a stern wall so it was a no brain'er. The slides were sweet and a good reward for getting into the gorge.
After this money section the creek settled and came upon the put in we had for the lower gorge. Already doing this run a few day before we routed through it in no time. Re-running the huge sliding falls and some more fun slides it was a very solid day out there for all four of us. I would recommend this run for anyone who;
1. Likes big drops
2. Doesn't mind log ducks/portages
3. Wants to get out there and see some new Whitewater in the area.
Later E.G.