Now that I made it back to the land of pristine waters and stouts I was just dieing to get out there and run something big. With the rains falling and a run on the LW under my belt, I drove to the nearest drop I could think of. Rock creek falls, otherwise dubbed as the Money Drop by the EP boys. It was first D'd years ago by Trip and Lj when it was much larger. From loose unstable soil this waterfall has changed numerous times since that day. Yesterday I ran a really fast slide off a 45ish footer. The water was launching off the lip at an incredible rate so it was hard to decided how to run her... here be my line

The photos tell the story. That was my line, it was really fast and crazy... and I was stoked with the line and a smooth new stout. I landed soft and G'eed out, didn't flip, and sat ready to see my buddy from Cali send it.

Nor CAL Martin running the stout. This kid is a young, 20 year old, ripper from Arcata California who was up visiting for his spring break. He was with a killah crew that stayed at the Beaver Lodge for a few days and boated with us. Good to be back in the Hood area running all the goods of the gorge.
photos by Chris Baer.
Later E.G.
fuknA dawgy... back in the states. I dont have a phone so u should hit me up at mi casa. (208)634-4353. its rainin here, so im ready for da stout. lets get er done -cheese
Oh! I though it was Money Drop in Norwey. But the pics don't fit. So it's the one in US. Good stuff, guys! :-))
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