We got there and went straight to the normal takeout. The basic rundown for the canyon is:
- three stage entry into a 45ish footer.
- 15 footer into a really tight slot
- sick looking 20ish footer
- boof to slide
- boogie rapids out
...but once your in there your not getting out. So we all had to go in there knowing we would run all the drops. After some scouting of the big one, we were all super nervous and Jared decided it was his time to shine. We all set up for his run and he greased it! Killed the entry boof, which looked hard as hell, then stuck the drop. Rodrigo went next and had a very similar line... they sold it to me. I fired it up next... man the best rapid I have run in Chile for sure. So many stages to the drops and then you get to fly off a big drop.... Money. GrahamNation came last with a dope line as well, we all sat in the pool at the bottom screaming and hugging high on life.

We weren't done though... The next drop looked nasty. Jared fired in there first, and broke his paddle in the slot.

Graham didn't like the looks of the drop so he hopped out on a slippery ledge and had Kurt Casey help him up the bank to bail on the rest of the gorge. Rodrigo and I dropped in there with Jared. The Diablito went well for us.

Once we got through that it was all good. We portaged a little siphon of doom and then ran two incredible drops. I guess back in the day Danial Dela Somehow got his boat down there and ran from there down... so from here it was a second D. The next drop he named "Nutrients" because there's a huge tree hanging down in the hyerp.

From there we ran one more epic drop and a small boof to exit the canyon.

We were on top of the world and happy as can be after such a perfect first descent. The whole gorge was so deep and beautiful, I couldn't believe that all the rapids were so quality and good to go. Another big drop opened up in the Pucon area... now the Nevados is my favorite river here... it's a whole new ball game in there. Hope you enjoy the photos and the stories... until the next mission
Later E.G.