Saturday, May 05, 2007

Early Season Colorado Creeking

Now back in Montana, "Gods Country" i look back over the last year i spent in CO and i am sure hapy to be home with clean rivers and the big sky. but in the last week i was fortuante enough to hit up one rarely run section of the Uncompahgre River above Ouray. Featuring one of the coolest gorges i have ever paddled through. The river was low and was flowing in the small window that will barely allow you to pass through the gorge successfully. It was a pretty crazy place with mile long gorges of never ending class four, and a gorge only about fifteen feet wide and 150 feet high. . The multiple gorges made for a full dayh of scouting and advice to anyone dropping in, it would be recomended to scout all sections on each and every run. After that while finishing up my finals, the early hot weather brought the ultra classic Oh-Be-Joyful creek in crested butte in and provided some good steam blowoff aside from the never ending sudying.
But i will say it is great to be back in Montana and see the beautiful mountains and begin thinking about the large drops and sick play spot coming fo rthe s

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the big world's win EG.... it's about time someone without the last name Jackson won something :)