So I don't want to start any biggie/pac drama up in this blogga, but the Westside is still the best side. Even though BIG's east coast rhymes are untouchable... There is no comparison to the shear amount of good artists coming out of Cali.
I'm going going back back to Cali Cali..... I'd like to welcome all y'all to the wild wild west..... No? Not firmiliar? Well let these photos do the explaining....
First thing we hit was the "South Branch of the Middle fork of the Feather"
...long name amazing results

The Fabled "50" footer on the S.B.M.F. It make for some really sweet times and lines.

Stacked waterfalls may be the best thing in the world?

I found myself out on a log one time... making my movie film.

The night brothers finally named this guy... I got "99 problems" and this drop is one.

The hucking huge boys...
Check there site it's always updated with good content.

More falling was done...
After that we went a little south to the South Yuba river... for so much amazing kayaking. Three different sections in two days (East meets West, Purdon's to 49, and 49 to Bridgeport) All a little bit different, but all class V. It was all just a tease or more foreshadowing for what was to come on the Yuba Gap.

Rocking them big boofs on the East meets West drop of the South Yuba.

Jake and Freddy running Three Blind Mice on the upper South Yuba.

Miguel getting into the big stuff on the Purdon's run of the South Yuba... 1400cfs!
Then it was over night time... This is better than Hanukkah, Christmas, Dia de los muertos, or any other time of year. So it was off to the Clavey for a two dayer on this classic.

Max attacks while he stacks them treats high.

The last rapid before the confluence of the T.

Boogie nights on the Lower Calvey.
This run had game. It was my first time down this canyon and we all enjoyed how we could boat scout our way through hundreds of class IV-V drops. The camping was good, weather 100+ degrees, water was at cooperating... good mixture for good times.

Charlie running our camp drop.

Making good memories...
Then we were off to set the records straight. South Merced goes very well high. The run got better with the extra 800+cfs we had this time. There were a few holes in there that were hidious, some we ran, others we walked around, 2 portages. Not bad? Our little point and shoot camera ran out of batteries so we got one shot of the thing....

Max running the high water hyurm on the South Merced as I film for the Cali love tour video. 1200-1600cfs at the put in 2000-2200 at takeout... It was still good in there maybe better??
So that's it for part 1 of the California love tour 2009... Stay tuned for the next 2 parts creating the saga of my trip to the land of promise.
Photos are all by Max Blackburn and Fred Norquist
RFK check dat blog to.
Later E.G.