Well he went, boofed the top slot 5 footer and started to paddle his ass off...

he kept giving her until he got the last boof off the far right side, clearing the hole and making it safely to the pool away from the hole and cave.

I was more scared after watching how hard Jared paddled but just gave it a go and made it with a very nice boof out the bottom. That one one of the scaryest drops of the trip so far just because of the things that could happen if something went wrong in there... no way to run saftey at all, but we made it with out soiling the boardy's!!!
The next thing up was a cool tight canyon, with no exit into a huge scary horizon that marked the actual falls we came for. It was a 30ish footer with a sick lead in and a huge curler coming off the right wall. We couldn't wait for Max and Migule to take photos so we just gave her. It was super duper fun guys....

We both came in hot, hit the curler, got burried, plugged in to the nice boil, and came out waving our hands high!!!

It was cool to finally log a first descent down here in Chile after running the shit for 2plus months. We found it thanks to Lj's beta from a few years back... Thanks diggity!!! Then we floated towards Lago Ranco and took out. It was an amazing day of kayaking. 2 laps of the 60 feet Nilahue and a challanging, sick first descent. I could not ask to be anywhere else in the world right now. On way to the Futaleufu now...
Later E.G.