On the day of the election for our new prez we all decided to head up to the rio Palguin for a good huck session. With cold rain and wind we were pretty stoked to hold back for another day to get on the Middle so we went all the way up and rallied out the classic Upper section. All the first 4 drops were all good and now totally clear of wood from the flodding of the winter. We were all fired up so when we got to the gnarly portage three of us just sacked up and history was made.
Ian went first... he hit a big boof off the right wall and bounced off the opposite wall a bit then cruised off the next 20 footer upright. Now this drop has never been stuck before, legend says once upon a time Brendan Guth cleaned it... who knows.
Rodrigo went next... way different line but similar results. He plugged in deep, came firing up rolling while resurfacing and then stompped the next part with steeze. Two people just stuck a somewhat impossible drop back to back????
So then I had to go... after seeing two of my bros hit this up I was next in line. I kind of knew that the probabilty of three in one day was less than two. With that in mind I proceded on ward. I fired a huge boof off the wall.. tail first landing... paddle broke... I flipped... and ran the 20 upside down. When I rolled up I was not surprised at all. Just how it goes. Another day, another portage dropped, and the first paddle of the trip. That night the Seilers showed up and we hit the town with force for Jared´s birthday, the next day we woke and headed for yet another portage...
Later E.G.
Props to Ian and Rodrigo. Bechtel and I were eying that bitch when we were there. I can't wait to fire it up and get tossed.
Nice one but its been dropped plenty o times so lets not get carried away. An alaskan called Xavier styled it in 04
anoEthan Winger ran that in an Amp (playboat) ages ago (99/2000), Brennan ran it several times and yes, he cleaned it at least once. Also - that Royal Drop was originally called 'Chuck Kern Falls' by Scott Lindgren after his first descent, later called 'Scott's drop'. Kinda curious why it's got Pat's name on it now.
You don't get to re-name drops just because you re-ran them. Love the blog, but keep it real.
I believe Pat Keller is running that drop in the shot... if you enlarge it you'll see him.
Love this blog - Rodrigo and the Garcia's rule.
yo yo yo keep you smart comments to yourself.. hahaah i need to see that to believe it... in an amp you keep it real.. he broke his nose... and xavier´s line blew... whats with taking it to the edge, of course people have run that thing alot, i have just never heard of any good lines... yes it says ¨pat...scott´s drop¨
lets all chill and read about the good times and hopefully good lines!
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