Thursday, November 20, 2008

Rio LLancahue

Our first stop on the way south was the Llancahue. We went there to look at one of the craziest drops n the world Gerd's Drop. This rapid has been like my dream drop for the past year or so. We go there and ran down the trail to see it... to our dismay the water was super high and the drop looked so nasty. We scouted it and almost said screw it, and went, but it was too burl. Once again I left that beast alone waiting for another day.

The lip of Gerd's drop. The entry is behind me, it was a mass of white froth. Gerd's update on his drop

So instead of huckin' our meat we went and did the normal run with some dam good flows. The run was perfect and fluffy... lots of good boofs and sweet rapids to rally down... enjoy the photos by Jared and Fred!

Blue Angles on the bridge rapid.

A beautiful picture by

Ian on a sick boof, the last drop of the run.

Old E.G. on a boogie boof somewhere in there.

We hopped back in the Luv-stain and continued south to Lago Ranco home of some of the biggest huck in the country.

Later E.G.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You boys are going C-Razy! Sick stuff, keep rocking down there. I am coming out of retirement this winter so get it in while ya can so i can have something to top. Tell Ian to get off his ass and huck something already! Love you long time.