Ever since first hearing about Bull Lake creek the idea had rang out in my head as a rive3r i wanted. But the idea of a 20 mile hike seemed marginally appealing. Combing over maps and doing a morning fly mission i found something else that apealled even better. roads that led to only 5 miles from a potential put in and a different fork of the creek that was yet to be explored and looked to be promissing. And finally it came together. Yet as it turned out roads on the reservation have worn away and now remain in unkept condition and have turned to trails. After arranging a shuttle and getting droped off in the middle of Bear country myself,
Jared Seiler,
Evan Stafford, and Kyle McCutchen began our hike.

Upon reaching the 12,000 ft mountain pass we were shocked at how much more work the mission had turned into. With the winds ripping and hail flying we began our descent into the NF Bull Lake valley.
Finally after droping over a 1000 vertical feet we made it back into the shelter of the trees and and made camp as our legs were trembling. In the morning we awoke to a view of gannett peak and the other near 14000 foot peaks that drain into the Bull Lake Basin.
Finding our way down a small tributary with out a trail we finally made it to the NF around noon. Stating our way down with a majority of the gradient behind us we began our descent of the last 3 miles toward the Main Bull Lake.
Evan and Ian crossing one of the Lakes on the hike down to the NF early morning day 2
Jared on a super fun slide in the NF BLC early day 2
Evan boofing the final drop on the NF BLC
After clearing through the North Fork we were all a little beat and decided to paddle down a little bit of the Lakes section on the Main, which is by far the best section of the river. And we then decided to camp just above Hagendazeen, so then we could get a little "Ice Cream for Breakfast"
Ian crossing from left to right through the exploding curler on the 3rd run of Hagendazeen
Jared coming around the pillow move at the top of Hagendazeen, he flipped in the pillow on the front side of the rock smacked out a quick roll and styled the bottom of the drop backwards.
Kyle after a little contemplation stepped up to the plate and greased Hagendazeen for the 5th descent.
Jared sailing a boof ready before for big hole explosion
Ian early in day 3 on a sweet double drop the ended in a big hole.

Evan finishing out the runout of the Jim Bridger Portage, down in to the lake that seems to be miss placed.

Kyler coming through the gorge between one of the lakes and Bull Lake Falls late in day 3

Ian coming through one of the continous steep sections.
Evan in the middle of Bull Lake Falls portage. the 400 ft cascade where all you can do is scramble down the rolling boulders to the river that you see so far below. normally this portafge would seem like hell but not the case as it is really one of the easier ones in here.

Camp on night three where all 4 of us crammed under my single man shelter for a couple of hours as the rain poured down. so much for that 10% chance of showers.

And after making our way over the pass and through the canyon in 4 days, a day less than any other group it was not that exciting to see the lake empty as we began our 9 mile paddle across the lake and back to the car. And after a short drive back to the other car it was pretty much mandatory to get a big ol' Fat Boy Ice Cream sandwich before cruising back home.
Overall having the higher flow in the creek was nice as our boats were starting to wear thin, yet i think with a lower flow one could step up and attemp to run many more of the drops that lie with in the canyon. but Bull Lake truely is an amazing place, just for those who are willing to put forith some serious effort into a hike that dwarfs those such as MK or UCC
HELL YEAH BROTHAS!!!!! NORTH FORK BLC! stoked you got that shit! Been wondering when It'd be done...way to fire up the haagen Dazzen....
Austin R.
p.s.- Drew Duvall, Ira and I did the 20 mile South Fork whole thing last year in 4 days (not 5) as well ;)
I did it in two days with a broken arm
I did it
evan. Nice work. Hope it was good for ya buddy. Im going to B.C. on the 14th. Call me bro
yo tits sun lay'n some treats! thats pimpulation u do'n in cali. i like ur style man keep it comen
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