Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Rio Claro Canyon, Chile

Rio Claro Canyon, Chile from Evan Garcia on Vimeo.

I have been waiting for some time to edit this footage of the Rio Claro that didn't make it in to Dashboard Empanada. This was our first day of the season last year and a great start to what was sure to be the most epic Chile season ever had. The Garganta del Diablo is the most committing canyon on the Rio Claro and holds one of the most unique drops I have ever run. The river drops 20 feet into a perfect 180 degree berm turn then shoots you off an other 20-30 feet of free fall. It is quite an experience to run this drop and be at the bottom of this river gorge. At times you can't even see the sky, both walls are con-caved so much that all you see is the right wall over lapping the left.

Enjoy this short tease of what it is like to be in this amazing gorge. This video was the last thing I ever shot with the standard definition Go Pro. They were amazing cameras until the HD's came out and totally changed the POV industry forever. The tune is "Si Tu" by "King Kong Klick" they are a hip hop group from Santiago, Chile. Thought it would be appropriate for the video. If you haven't seen Dashboard Empanada have to get will go to Chile after watching it. There is a Pay Pal buy now button at the top right of this blog.

Later E.G.

1 comment:

Ashlie Harper said...

Looks like a blast! Thanks for sharing, and how can i find king kong klick?