Jared went first, plugging deep and pulling some sort of sick donkey-panam-spiderman flip off the 20 footer. I said what the F$%* and went right after him.... last time on this drop I tried to boof it big off the right wall and slammed into the left wall breaking my paddle. So I was going to adjust my line this time.... it was like plugging a huge soft marsh mellow!

Yes please!!!! This drop is fun and that is the way to run it because you don't hit any rocks and it's soft. Hahaha this is also the day we shot some helmet footy so here is an edit from Demshitz jared.. enjoy that shit...
Kayaking the Upper Palguin Helmet Camera from Evan Garcia on Vimeo.

Giving thanks for the opportunity to be in Chile with my boys running the Brown, eating well, partying, and enjoying life... Cheers to everyone back home fighting the struggle come to join us in Pucon..... kayakpucon.net offers a sick 10 day guided trip around the area with the best paddlers in Chile showing you down anything from class II scenic floats to class V hucking, everthing included... affordable rates, lodging, food, transportation, what are you waiting for???
Later E.G.
hope u got some shrimps on the baa b mate!!! happy huckin
chur brotha! i finall get a chance on fast internet here in nepal to check out ur shitz! fuken meen as usual! gutted i couldnt be there with ya bro! i just spend 10 days on prety much flat water with 36 women!! crazy shit! now im in pokhara with some mates and was goin to run some new big stouts today but got sick and had to pull out! got a first d lined up higher up in a few days then get to run the goods. been a while since i been flyin!
chur bro!
chops what a great time to be huckinturky day fun lookes like the last one was a good one swamped at the end NICE
Awesome pictures Evan, I'm really enjoying the blog. I can't wait to get to paddle in South America!
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