With a good night of sleep under our belts we slowly loaded our kayaks on with 8 horse's and all of our gear to make the hike go smoothly.

In the beginning it was all good we made good time and had no boats on our shoulders so we were happy. Then the trail got worse and the boats fell off, the horses were tired and angry, and the horse flies were coming in like the plague. After we made it up the shady trail I would say that even with heavy kayak it would have been faster and easyer to just carry them your self.

Once we did get to what they cal La Junta, all was well. The views were like Yosemite and with no other way the reach this valley other than a sketchy trail we were in a bad ass piece of wilderness. When everyone had arrived and gear was unloaded we all ran up the tributary coming in at our camp and swam a clean 80 foot long slide for an hour+. Possibly one of the funnest shitz of the trip up there.

After some nice swimming and enjoyment of the place we were now stuck in we started a big fire and cooked a delicious pasta dish over an open fire and ate till we had our fill and were ready for sleep.

In the morning we awoke early to a some what cloudy day outside covered in due from a chilly night of sleeping under the stars. Small amounts of oatmeal and bread got us ready for what was going to be a long day of running the shit for real. We didn't really have a good idea of what was in there all we knew is that it got easyer the further downstream you got??? So that's what we knew.

The basic idea of the day was to get in there and run everything that was even close to runnable. Jared and I followed suit by only making 3 portages thorough out the entire river.

The Rio Cochamo was an amazing piece of whitewater, possibly the most challenging run I have done down in South America. The thing ws just so steep and stacked up. More so than Bottom 9 of the Kings, Golden Gate, or anything I can think of at this time. But for the most part if you can stout, climbing boulders, and running some hard class V, you will truly love this river.

So that what you just looked at was all in about 1.5 kms. Steep as hell it took a good portion of the day to get through that section without any issues. From then on out we thought it ws going to chill out but we were very wrong.

After our lunch we kept finding more and more steep ass drops and committing pieces of whitewater that blew my mind.

So all in all this river way over exceeded my expectations I had previously had in my mind. With a few fired up partners I was able to really make the best of this run. Very consequence moves to make don't take this run lightly, it had lots of similarities to runs like Devil's Postpile and the Kind in California. But it is possible to get in there and enjoy the place and walk most of the hardest sections.
Overall Cochamo is one of the best missions you can get yourself in to down here, or anywhere in the world.

Photos by Mike Shields & and Fred Norquist.
Later E.G.
Sick one ev-gar. Terrorize your brother for me and bring back my lens and battery in one piece! Keep on killn it killa!
Bad Ass.. I have talked about this one since Mariann and I ran it 2 years ago! Finally the 'crew' made the mission and looks like the perfect flow.
right on right on Team!
Now that thar looks like one Sik-BIRD run! Nice work bro, and good on ya for keepin' a ship shape site. Keep the missions rollin!
Peace and Merry Christmas to anotha brotha celebrating in the heat!
Horses! You guys are soft! I did that river back in 98 (think it may have been the second descent). We carried our boats up for 7 or 8 hours, then paddled.
There was some German guy selling expensive horseback trips up the valley so all the locals expected us to pay the same sort of money to them to take kayaks up.
Beautiful river I remember.
-Colly W
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