Fear Canyon Of the Elaho from Fred Norquist on Vimeo.
Here is the last installment of the B.C. videos that we made from our 10 day trip. The water levels were funky, but we made the best of it, and had a bad ass time up there. We hit the Ashlu, Tatlow, Elaho, and Cheakamus. That is a pretty standard Squamish line up for the most part, but we camped out every night, played lots of card games locked in the tent during rain storms, got stalked by Browntin Lions, had two near terrible run ins with the Mounties, hit the swim center driving board, skated in the park, and drank lots of beer.What more can you ask for on a boating trip? I hope you enjoyed the pictures and videos from our trip. Check back in for more video coming soon.
Later E.G.
Fred's videos just keep getting better and better.
Hey E.G. and Fred there is a much better skatepark behind McDonalds. Also..there is an IPP going in on Keyhole falls of the Lilouet river north of Pemberton. he falls are aprox 70 ft with a crazy canyon above. Looks like the type of thing you guys might be into, but it wont be around for long. Nice hotsprings below the falls and a great class 3 playboat run below as well.
dem vids are dripping.
Thanks y'all, i'm no 'yakker but love tracking these trips and tales. Great style you're putting down!
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