Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Tiempos Locos en Mexico

Hey everyone,
This post is just to let people know what I´m up to down here, it´s a bummer but photos are so hard to upload unless I have a way to compress them first. So right now just words, but believe me we have tons of incredable pictures to share with you.

We have been up to so much that I am just going to list out the main events that have happened.

1.Tyler and I got a sick day on the roadside section at perfect flow, while Ian rested his back from the big Micos drop.

2.It rained all night long, we then partied as hard as we could meeting Rush, Raffa, and Brooks in a bar at midnight.

3.The next day we woke up late and slow and reilized that the rivers had come up 3 to 4 feet overnight. What did we do?? Tomata Falls. Tyler and Raffa ran Tomata at an incredable flow, flooded to say the least. It was very scary because most of the water washed in to the next drop which I can say would kill a kayaker with ease at that level. Lines were marginal, a boof and a pich-poll off a 65 footer!!!

4.We met LJ, Charlie, and Tood that night in Xalapa, slept hard, and put on the Texolo the next morning. Overall an epic run we did last year with tons of sick rapids, a 50 footer, and a 90-100 footer. All of us ran the 50 with style and believe it not not Tyler stomped the biggest gnarlest drop I have ever seen, the 90 to 100 footer with a burl enterance. Sik Brd to say the least, malaria sick. We got photos and vid to post later.

5.The next day we did the Xico river with good flow and some awsome rapids near the Texolo. Buenisimo!!

6.We are back in Talapacoyan, ran roadside section at flood flow yesterday only made it to the first bridge before getting out scared and cold. Charlie got surfed in 2 huge holes in a row, Ian got roped out of the s-turn, and i got beasted in a hole as well. But all was good. Another party last night lead us back to roadside at a high flow again. This time we completed the whole run, taking new lines and running huge hole all the way to Puente Tablazo. We are looking at clear skies now hoping for the water to drop`for the middle sections.

I know what your thinking... wow crazy, but true and I wil get on the pictures as quick as I can, but the dam internet is so slow here. Makes us gringos go loco. Thats all for now but keep up to date on this blog because the content we have now is already mindbottling, you know when your mind is like trapt... in a bottle.

later E.G.


Fred Norquist said...

fuck yea evan nice work man, glad to see someone is runnin the shit while i sit here and think about it all night, have a good time, tell lj i say hi

Taylor Cavin said...

Damn, Evan, from the research I'v been doing, I'd say that Xico, Texolo, and Alsaseca back to back to back must be some kind of Tlapacoyan triple crown... I'll be down there in a little bit, but I don't know if I'm as ambitious as some of you hucksters... I started a blog myself, guttersoftheearth.blogspot, got a photo of you on the West Cherry pothole where you can just barely see some orange plastic buried in the falls... Keep it safe out there;)