Sunday, April 09, 2006


Flying in to the Perth River

This last winter I spent 2 weeks on the west coast of New Zealand's south island in the township of Hokitika. This place is the center for all the heli activties on the west coast. While I was there I was lucky enough to be able to paddle classic west coast rivers such as the Arahura, the Perth, Kakapotahi, Styx, and many more. This is a very enique place with an uncountable amount of rivers to run. Plus does it get any better than getting dropped off high in the mountains after a sick heli ride, and kayaking class 5 all day without having to hike a bit with your best friends? I think not. By the way the Perth is one of my all time favorite rivers in the world, yeah! Later E.G.

1 comment:

Ben said...

So, I've watched some videos on your page, and I must say... sweet, but here's my issue. How the hell do you put them on your site? I've tried using Youtube, but that only takes tiny videos. Any suggestions?